This is what we are

MyRentalHost offers the largest and most efficient service to owners and guests to use services like Airbnb, Vrbo,, in Barcelona among others. Owners can be sure that your visitors will be given a warm welcome and have a care 24 hours.

MyRentalHost born from the need for a concrete solution to the service temporarily to tourists who use new technologies income. We warned that the typical and old companies that run apartments were two steps back with the service you have to give customers. And most importantly, are several steps back with the use of new technologies and the understanding of the concept of a user who is part of the “Sharing Economy” and wants to totally different guests of years ago things. That’s why I had to adjust to this and give a more professional and consistent service with that concept.

In MyRentalHost work in that direction and offer an “all inclusive” where not only have to provide customized solutions apartment owners, but also guests for a better experience, which results in best reviews and best benefits and profitability for owners of the apartments.

MyRentalHost he born on the idea of a couple of enthusiastic ratings Victoria & Agus. Victoria outstanding professional in the world of fashion and Agus an entrepreneur and expert in marketing and communication. To them a specially selected team adds to offer the service and professionalism that customers need.

Our goal is clear: to help the owners generate more and better income through temporary apartments in Barcelona guarantee a warm, professional and effective.

Quiénes Somos

What is MyrentalHost?

Our mission is to provide a service to those people who cannot manage tourist apartments. Our mission is that the owner of an apartment forget everything and that the highest possible profitability is obtained with an excellent treatment to the guest.

Provide a service to those people who can not manage apartments. Our mission is that the owner of an apartment forget everything and best value for money is obtained to host an excellent deal.
  • Because we were the first to have created more than a year and a half ago specialized in temporary rent apartments using new technologies ( Airbnb , Wimdu , OnlyApartments , , etc. ) service.
  • Because we understand and know how to speak and deal with this new user looking for apartments.
  • Because we treat your apartment with the same care as if it were our.
  • Because we have no contract ” residence ” if for some reason you are not happy with the service ( we’re sure it never happens ;)) ended the relationship without problems.
  • Local , flexible and experienced We are.
  • We have a multilingual team that has a common denominator: the love for what he does.
  • We are constantly studying as platforms reserves ( Airbnb, Windu, etc. ) work to optimize the ads so we can always be up on the search engine of the same.
  • We have contact with the people working on Airbnb . This means that any doubt discussed directly with them. And that’s a plus to have first hand information provided.
  • We know that the boss is the host. And we work very hard to always have a different and enjoyable experience and that becomes better comments and hence more reserves which means more profitability for you.
  • Best speaking guests at our profile profile comments.

Our stats


Positive Reviews


Response Rate


Average annual occupancy of our apartments

Meet Our Team

Agustin Villafañe Owner MyRentalHost

Agus Villafañe

CEO / Co-Founder

More than 15 years of marketing experience working in various advertising agencies .
Serial entrepreneur, father and compulsive traveler.
Specialist creativity, new technologies and innovation.

Victoria Williams Owner MyRentalHost

Victoria Williams


More than 15 years of experience in the fashion world. Creative, compulsive traveler and mother.
Specialist in dealing with guests..

Quiénes Somos


Our Team

…And a team of over 10 people who are responsible for cleaning, check in, check out , administration, maintenance etc. etc. each of the apartments. Always with a personal approach and tailored to each customer.

🎄 ¡La Navidad ha llegado a Madrid y Barcelona! 🎄
Disfruta de la magia de estas dos ciudades decoradas con luces brillantes, mercados navideños y un ambiente festivo único.

🎅✨ No hay mejor lugar para vivir el espíritu navideño que en el corazón de estas icónicas ciudades.

#NavidadEnMadrid #NavidadEnBarcelona #EspírituNavideño #LucesDeNavidad #MyRentalHost

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¡Transformamos cada estadía en una experiencia única para tus huéspedes! 🏡
¿Listo para dar el siguiente paso?

Habla con nosotros y descubre cómo llevar tu propiedad al siguiente nivel para ser un host de lujo 🚀

#ExperienciasInolvidables #AnfitriónDeExcelencia #TuHogarEnBarcelona

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Sé el anfitrión perfecto con MyRentalHost: donde cada detalle cuenta para una experiencia inolvidable. 🙌

#AnfitriónPerfecto #ExperienciasInolvidables #HospitalidadDeExcelencia #MejorAnfitrión #MyRentalHost

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En MyRentalHost, no solo gestionamos propiedades, ¡creamos relaciones de confianza y éxito a largo plazo! 🙌

Si buscas una forma inteligente y profesional de alquilar tu propiedad, ¡estamos aquí para ayudarte a crecer! 🚀

#MyRentalHost #GestionDeConfianza #PisosBarcelona #PisosMadrid

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Gracias a nuestros procesos eficientes y enfoque personalizado, MyRentalHost sigue ayudando a propietarios a lograr el éxito y a ofrecer experiencias inolvidables a los viajeros. 🙌

¿Quieres saber cómo estos números pueden trabajar a tu favor?

¡Contáctanos hoy y comienza a maximizar el potencial de tu propiedad!

#MyRentalHost #Inversiones #MaximizaTusIngresos #ÉxitoEnAlquileres #PropietariosFelices #AlquileresExitosos #GestiónEficiente

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If you have any questions about our services or need more information, contact us.

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